It's been awhile since my last post, everything has been so crazy! I didn't mention this on my blog before because it was a sensitive subject and not a lot of my friends and family knew but I have moved back to ONTARIO! After my Las Vegas trip my best friend flew from Vegas to Calgary and we road tripped back to Ontario {more on that later}! Things in Calgary were just not working out for me. I missed my friends and family more then I ever thought I would, I quit my job because I was so miserable and not treated with respect and I didn't feel at home or comfortable with the city and the people. So my boyfriend and I came to the decision that it would be best for me to move back to Ontario and start to get established for the both of us. He is planning on making the move back after the summer!
Road Trip! Driving from Alberta to Ontario is not a short drive, 3400 kms and 36 hours to be exact! We wanted to do it as quickly as possible, spend as much time on the road and as little time sleeping! My jeep was packed to the top and little Effy had a cute little "loft" as we called it all set up with her toys, bed and food!
Day 1:
We left around 11:30am and drove through Alberta, Saskatchewan and into Manitoba on the first day! These provinces are super boring with really nothing to look at besides cattle, wheat and farms...*yawn*. We stayed at a hilarious little motel and had to mission impossible Effy into the room, the room also had no heat or hot water... 4 star all the way!
Welcome to Herbert, Saskatchewan
the only game in town...
we stuck out like a sore thumb
delish though!
Moose Jaw!
princess Effy!
"Spirited Energy"
our half canoe for the evening.
Day 2:
Our goal on day 2 was to make it to Wawa, Ontario. If you don't already know, driving through Ontario is literally half the trip, it takes forever. For this to have happened we would have had to sleep literally 2 hours and then hit the road again, but we slept in and sadly didn't make it as far as we wanted. We did make it to Thunder Bay, Ontario! In Thunder Bay we were forced to stay in the sketchiest motel due to "Night Danger" on the Trans Canada Highway, aka Moose. {For those of you that don't know the TCH is a highway that goes from coast to coast in Canada, and once you hit Northern Ontario becomes a 2 lane highway littered with Moose and trucks at night...very dangerous}.
tuckered out
only 1500 kms to go!
Manitoba - Ontario Boarder
i'm in Manitoba they're in Ontario!
Thunder Bay Sketchy!
Day 3:
On day 3 we got up super early, because we had to make up for lost time. We literally had to drive for 16 hours on the last day, From Thunder Bay to Niagara Falls. We were hoping the last day would be the shortest and easiest of the 3 but...nope! Driving in Norther Ontario is beautiful and very refreshing from the none stop farm lands of the prairies. Lake Superior was beautiful! It looks very
similar to Vancouver, B.C with the water and the mountains, but after 4
hours of that we were beyond over it! We finally got to stop in Sault Ste Marie for 30 minutes to grabs some food then we were onward to Niagara. Between the Sault and Perry Sound there is literally NOTHING. It was defiantly the hardest part of the drive. Reaching Toronto was like a breath of fresh air! I felt HOME! We finally rolled into the drive way at 1am driving a total of 36 hours, 3553.4 kms and only 1 speeding ticket!*
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