
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

new name!

It's been awhile since I last posted {almost 4 months}and I apologize. A lot has happened these past few months and I needed to take some time away from my blog and get my life sorted out. As I mentioned earlier in the summer I had moved from Calgary back to Ontario. Things in Calgary were not working out for me and I decided it was best to come back to Ontario where I was comfortable in the environment and surround myself with positive energy, friends and family. Sadly, with this move brought the ending of my relationship. Ultimately, I didn't feel things were working, and I truly believe that if we had not moved out west things would have ended up much differently, but I take it all as a learning experience and I do not regret anything about the past 2 years.

I recently moved to TORONTO!! I finally found a great new job after 8 months of looking, and things are looking up! This city is truly where I belong. I feel happy, healthy and excited to experience everything Toronto has to offer!

I didn't necessarily want to start a whole new blog and delete Vodka and Caviar. I had started that blog when I first moved out west as a way to let my friends and family know what I was up to! But I felt something needed to change. Today I changed my blogs name to Champagne Toasts! Toasting to a fresh new start in a new city. I don't want to delete Calgary from my life or my memory I want to be able to look back on my posts and remember the good times....this is just a transition just like my life has transitioned. I will be making minor changes, but nothing drastic! I want to focus on the city life and amazing spots I find and exciting things I'm doing! This city is filled with amazing shops, restaurants and things to see and I have only just scraped the surface!*

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