
Thursday, 17 April 2014

Healthy Mind & Body

I mentioned in an earlier post that I have been experiencing some major anxiety and stress lately. I know this is directly related to the major change in my life {my boyfriend moving away}, but it was so crazy how quickly and how extreme this hit me. It was terrifying, I felt paralyzed to the point where I couldn't leave my apartment to do everyday things like go to the grocery store. With help from some natural supplements, rescue remedy (more on these later) and yoga I was able to change my life around in what seemed like a week!   I never took to yoga the times I'd tried it, I thought it was boring. I really enjoy high intensity cardio classes, spinning and aerobics. But every doctor, friend and anxiety blog advised that yoga and learning to breath properly is a great stress released and form of coping, so I gave it a try.

After a few at home youtube yoga sessions I joined my friend at her studio for an actual intense yoga practise and fell in love at how great I instantly felt.  The mat is such comfortable, non judgemental and stress free place for me on days I feel overwhelmed and on the brink of an anxiety attack. I can't tell you how quickly my attitude and mood changed.  Maybe my time to discover the benefits of yoga  are at this stressful time in my life, and I'm so thankful I did!

Do you turn to yoga or exercise for stress and anxiety relief ?   What works for you ?

Happy Easter everyone,  I'm off to Bermuda for 5 days on the beach!!!*

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